Week-Long Camps
There are six week-long camps available. Often these are held as summer camps, however, they can be run during spring breaks, Star Testing Weeks, any week-long break available during a typical school year.

The Camps Include:
- A final test for terminology and techniques
- Food Safety
- Knife Safety
- Nutrition
- Food allergies
- Specific Cultural themes,
- Recipes, game plan (order to prepare food), terminology
- Members enjoy a light seasonal meal as part of each class.
Youth organizations can:
Do it yourself: Purchase an instructor’s guide, and participant books and attend a Zoom Train-the-trainer with videos to guide your staff to facilitate the educational material as a week-long program.
Do it with Chef-K’s help: Chef-K will oversee the training via Zoom, and your moderator will be hands-on in the training room to support the students. A Chef-K trainer will lead the class via Zoom. This is ideal if a Chef-K trainer is unavailable near you.
Chef-K does it for you. Chef-K will run the after-school course for your organization at your facility. Chef-K staff will prepare and teach the course each week. (Limited availability) In-person training may incur travel and other expenses at actual cost.
Note: This is available only to areas where Chef-K has local certified trainers for you.

5 sessions 3-hours each oven cooktop, sink
The teaching curriculum includes seasonal ingredients, techniques, and recipes for traditional brunch such as shirred eggs, scones, jam from scratch, waffles, and less common frittata and yeast-bread called focaccia.

Dinner’s Ready
5 sessions 3-hours each oven cooktop, sink
The teaching curriculum includes true basics such as roasted chicken and vegetables, pasta sauce from scratch, fruit desserts, turkey tacos, and more.
The camp includes the healthiest whole grain options and limited processed sugar as defined in the USDA guidelines.

All American
5 sessions 4 hours each oven cooktop, sink
The teaching curriculum includes history, culture, ingredients, techniques, and recipes from the US such as a picnic, a New Orleans menu, a Colonial menu, and an Asian menu.
2 Chef-K instructors facilitate the advanced camp and include a 3-course meal prepared for parents on the final day of camp. Lessons such as shopping, table etiquette, and label reading are added to the advanced instruction.